It's been my honor and luck, along this journey, to learn from inspiring and exquisite teachers, and grow with amazing colleagues and practitioners who I dearly recommend all around the world and with whom I resonate deeply. They have all planted seeds inside me of love & acceptance that I water and nurture on a daily basis so that I can channel their transmission on and vibrate it in my every day moves.
I offer my infinite love and gratitude to my teacher of life and death, Sufi, Therapist, supervisor and feminine guide - Akash Dharmaraj (RIP) Founder of the Akhaldans 4th way school of Sufi and Gurdjieff wisdom - A unique presence and transmission of both life and essence itself, and to Carol Squire Akash’s co-founder at Akhaldans.
A significant role in my expansion was also offered by the teachings of Adyashanti, Alan Wallace, Gurdjieff, Osho, Sheikha Khadija, Tushita meditation center, Venerable Robina Courtin, Balkrishna (RIP) from Karuna Meditation Center and Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee - a unique teacher of the heart from the Sufi order Naqshbandiyya-Mujaddidiyya. Thanks to their unique transmission, I can remember myself more often, why I’m here and that I AM.
These inspiring special humans have shared and integrated wisdom from a variety of modalities from Sufism, Buddhism and Non-duality to Tantra and Sexuality, from bodywork to creativity to gender empowerment and more... All of them have contributed immensely to my personal liberation and happiness. If only I could do the same for you in their light, my work here would be done ;-)
I also thank the school of "Tantra Essence" and its founder Mahasatvaa Ma Ananda Sarita who kicked started me on this path, as well as to Nisarga Dobosz, Shashi Solluna, Taki'h Antigoni Dhyandeepa (RIP) and Elena Angel who have supported me along the way.
I offer a special gratitude to my dear colleague and friend Lorie Solis from Soma Sanctum who has opened my eyes to the field of healing trauma in more ways than I can express.
I deeply recommend her as a practitioner for any trauma informed somatic bodywork, reprogramming body memory and accessing deep feminine wisdom in all it’s forms.
A note about Trauma
The field of understanding trauma is extremely new and has only started to enter the mainstream awareness in the last decade. We recommend that before choosing a teacher or practitioner, even the ones stated on this website, that you check first how and if they are suitable for you, and that they do not contribute to the ongoing propagation of trauma on individual, social or collective levels. To become more trauma informed click here.
You evoke light out of the universe...
I leave you with the inspiring words of Alan Watts as an opportunity to contemplate who you really are?
With love and gratitude <3