Activism has long been a significant part of our reality and mindset at Awakening & Transformation and although it has served as a foundation for everything that we are, it has been kept in the background of our website till now. Today, given the accelerated transitions of 2020, unfolding and transforming us in ways we’ve never experienced before, we felt it is time to gradually bring our activism to the forefront also of our offerings and online presence.
Our activism includes many areas of thought and action - Gender Activism, Community Activism, Pleasure Activism, Sex-Positive Activism, Post Activism, Racial/Ethnic Activism, Environmental Activism and Spiritual Activism. All of which are adjusting to the calling of these times for a deeper, wider, more inclusive and more integrated style of engagement.
This page is designed to be an evolving platform where we present this activism in new ways and include it into our projects. It is also an invitation to look at everything with new eyes, including activism itself, and to aspire to new ways in which we can all get involved in the planetary system we are all part of, with a more constructive, directed and intentional force.
For now, we start with a few links to key issues which we find inspiring, important and connected to the transformation we’re all in.
Please don’t hesitate to reach out to us directly with any question, inquiry, offering, request, or insight. We are open to collaborate, integrate and support our accomplices in the field wherever and whoever they might be.
The Manifesta bY Soma Sanctum
A vision for the reclamation of practices and wisdom inherent to the wellness of humans as one with the earth written by one of our dearest colleagues, allies, co-creators and dear friends, Lorie Solis.
Read the full manifesta here
New economies & financial systems
Spiritual Activism
An integrated vision - spoken word & truth
also visit:
Climate breakdown
“We have passed a social tipping point and we can no longer look away from what our society has been ignoring for so long, whether it is equality, justice or sustainability.”
An inspiring talk on Greta’s Radio show about
“doing the impossible”.
agriculture of the future
Changing the way we look at our food, farming, supply chains and environmental well-being is part of the necessary paradigm shift we so desperately need